Donate Spca

Donate Spca

Donate Spca – Did you know that in one year the Anne Arundel County SPCA () takes in thousands of animals? That’s why donations are so important to us.

The money generated from our minimal adoption fees is not enough to cover the cost of a shelter, let alone the various services we offer throughout the year.

Donate Spca

The Anne Arundel County SPCA is not affiliated with or endorsed by any other humane organization or organization. There is no national structure for the SPCA and we are not part of a larger organisation.

We are a private, non-profit organization serving Anne Arundel County. We do not receive funding from local, state or federal governments. It relies on the generosity of individuals and businesses in our community to ensure that homeless companion animals receive the best possible care.

The SPCA of Anne Arundel County does not sell or trade the personal information or contact information of our donors with anyone else. We do not send letters on behalf of other organizations.

There are many ways to support work. For over ninety years, we have worked to humanely care for animals in Anne Arundel County. It is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. We rely on the generosity of people like you to provide shelter and humane care for the many homeless animals in our community. Here are some ways you can help.

We facilitate donation using Network for Good. Please click the button to go to their site, where you can make secure donations:

How To Help The Pets In L.a.’s Animal Shelters

Alternatively, please contact the Administrative Assistant directly at (410) 268-4388, ext. 120 and provide your credit card details over the phone.

Betsy was a beloved beagle who lived in a shelter for three years. In his honor, we have established a fund to provide animals in need with exceptional medical care beyond standard veterinary care. Please note “Betsy Medical Fund” on your donation if you are giving specifically to this fund. You can make a donation here.

We accept donations of new/unopened wet or dry dog ​​and cat food. Food can be dropped off at the shelter during regular business hours.

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Donate Spca

Accepting donations of cars, trucks and boats in working or running condition. Through the sale of these vehicles, we raise funds to help care for our homeless animals. Your donation is tax deductible. During this crisis, we want you to know that the Santa Cruz SPCA continues to be a safe haven for animals in need. Animals are at the heart of everything we do and every decision we make. Although we have made changes to our normal operations, our commitment to animals remains the same. Animals rely on us and we will not let them down.

Blue Adopt, Foster, Donate, Volunteer

With the rapid development of the COVID-19 situation and shelters across the state in full operation, the Santa Cruz SPCA is temporarily closed to the public. Some of our programs are still open but may have been changed. Please see more information below and check back often for the latest updates. This page was last updated on 08/12/2020

Many have asked how best to support our work during this crisis. Monetary donations are the best and most effective way to help the Santa Cruz SPCA continue to provide essential services during this time.

We expect more animals to be in need during this crisis as their caregivers struggle with illness or economic challenges. This is an unprecedented situation and the impending animal welfare needs may be extraordinary.

In keeping with our commitment to continue to be a safe place for animals, we need to ensure we have additional funding to meet their physical, medical and emotional needs.

We are now accepting in-kind donations for pet care and shelter supplies! Please click here for a list of items we regularly carry and a list of items we cannot use. Please also see the top items on our Amazon Wish List. Products

We now foster all our animals! As you can imagine, the animals love it – and so do we. During this shelter-in-place time, our amazing fosters are helping the SCSPCA in a very meaningful way by committing to temporarily care for an animal (or more!) in their home, as well as doing what they can to help us to find an adoptable animal. House! This has helped us continue our mission, even in these difficult times.

In fact, we plan to continue to care for many animals in foster homes as well as a local shelter, and to do that we need to continue to grow our foster staff! To begin the process of becoming a foster child, fill out a foster care application here.

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Donate Spca

New COVID-19 Adoption Procedures: Thank you for your interest in adopting an animal from the Santa Cruz SPCA! In response to COVID-19, and current social distancing measures, our adoption process has changed. We are now accepting adoptions by appointment to ensure the safety of our staff, as well as your own. Check out our latest adoption efforts here.

Clinton County S.p.c.a

June, 2020 – We have made the difficult decision to close the Capitola Mall Adoption Center and Gift Shop for good. While the stores in the mall have played an important role in our adoption and community programs for many years, we have determined that restarting the store’s core business – adopting animals to new homes – is not feasible now or in the coming months. come We also do not expect purchasing patterns to return to normal in the near future. And with the imminent opening of our new shelter, we will have a one-stop facility that members of our community will be eager to visit for adoptions and other services.

We will be holding a moving sale to sell our excess inventory and shop equipment as we prepare to move into our new facility. There will be huge discounts on all our products! Stay tuned for our move date and time!

We welcome students in grades 1-6 to spend the week with us learning online about how animals are cared for at our shelter, what goes on behind the scenes at the Santa Cruz SPCA, and about the various animal jobs they do announce supporter of young animals. To learn more about our Virtual Baby Camp, click here!

Our humanitarian education programs – PAWS and Saturday Community Service – remain suspended. However, we have created some interactive and fun ways to keep your kids engaged and learning about animals!

Clark County Spca

This is a difficult time for all of us because we have to do remote work and study – at the same time in the same place! We know your children may be afraid or worried about the COVID-19 outbreak and what it will mean for them and their pets.

Click on the link below to give them some important information as well as some practical projects to work on during this quarantine – while helping the SCSPCA!

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Since our animal population is primarily in foster homes, we ask for volunteers to stay home and maintain order in the shelter until the end of the year. We send special update communications directly to your email address. For new volunteers, we are accepting new applications, Volunteers – Santa Cruz SPCA: Changing Lives, One Foot at a Time () , and will advise when on-site promotion can resume after the end of the year. If you have additional questions or need to speak with someone, please call our main phone number at 831-465-5000 or contact our volunteer coordinator.

Donate Spca

We plan to continue providing pet food through regular kitchen hours: every Friday between 3:30-5:30 p.m. We feel it is important to be a resource for members who need this important service; To ensure our staff stays safe and healthy, we have implemented new social distancing protocols for our pet food kitchen.

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To understand current and ever-changing conditions, please check this website or call our main phone number before visiting the Food Bank. To reduce the number of visits, we will provide our customers with two weeks of pet food instead of the usual weekly supply.

Face-to-face meetings are temporarily cancelled, but we can still accept phone consultations. If you need our free Ask The Dog Trainer service, please sign up for a consultation and you will receive a phone call to discuss any training issues you and your pet are facing.

If you still have questions, please contact us at (831) 465-5000 or by email. As many of our team members are working remotely, we apologize for our slightly delayed response time.

For the fastest information and response, please submit the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Lend A Paw: Donation Match Drive

The Santa Cruz SPCA is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to animal welfare. We receive no government grants and rely solely on financial support from our friends. Our organization is not affiliated with the SPCA or any other humane society.

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