Attorneys Specializing In Auto Insurance Claims

Attorneys Specializing In Auto Insurance Claims

Attorneys Specializing In Auto Insurance Claims – Madison car accident attorneys Bowler & Vaughn are committed to helping accident victims move forward after a serious accident. We understand the problems our clients face and are passionate about helping them recover the compensation they deserve for their physical, financial, and emotional damages.

If you have been injured in a car accident, the experienced attorneys Matthew Bowler and Michelle Vaughan can help.

Attorneys Specializing In Auto Insurance Claims

Attorneys Specializing In Auto Insurance Claims

Drivers in Madison are no strangers to car accidents. From congested city streets to major highways like I-39 and I-94, accidents bring traffic to a standstill every day.

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Car accident victims are often unsure of how to proceed after an accident. The two main issues of uncertainty are: (1). Should I seek medical attention? and (2). Should I hire a lawyer?

Generally, the answer to both of these questions is “yes”. You should go to the emergency room as soon as possible after an accident—even if the paramedics treated you there and released you. The importance of medical intervention is twofold: First, emergency rooms have the equipment and resources to make a thorough diagnosis, and the ER. Doctors there can provide more comprehensive care. Second, getting medical attention creates a record of your injuries from the accident.

Your safety should be your first priority after a car accident. Another important step is to protect your legal rights.

If the accident caused minimal damage to your vehicle and you were not injured or suffered only minor injuries, you may not need to seek legal advice. However, if you have sustained serious personal injuries in a car accident, it is in your best interest to speak with the car accident attorneys at Bowler & Vaughn ASAP.

Do I Need A Lawyer For A Car Insurance Claim?

Traffic is a normal part of life in Madison. It is impossible to know exactly what the driver of another car is thinking or doing behind the wheel. With this in mind, it is good for every driver to be alert, drive safely, wear a seat belt, and take some steps to make every trip crash-free.

Unfortunately, your efforts to stay safe on the road can be ruined by the carelessness of another driver. Some of the common causes of car accidents we see in and around Madison include:

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One of the leading causes of distracted driving is cell phone use, especially texting. However, certain activities – such as talking on the phone, eating, drinking, talking to passengers, and playing the radio loudly – can distract drivers and increase the risk of a car accident. Another potential distraction is looking away from the road at the scene of the accident (rubbernecking), which can lead to a different collision.

Attorneys Specializing In Auto Insurance Claims

Driving faster than the speed limit reduces vehicle control and makes stopping more difficult. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding is responsible for more than one-quarter of all traffic deaths.

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Speeding and distracted driving are not the only reckless actions a driver can commit behind the wheel. Reckless driving can take many forms, from not looking over your shoulder when changing lanes to ignoring traffic signals, other vehicles, and pedestrians while crossing a road.

Also known as road rage, violent behavior behind the wheel can end in disaster. Aggressive drivers may weave in and out, ram other vehicles, or (in the worst case scenario) try to run another driver off the road.

Distracted or distracted driving is an often overlooked factor in car accidents. Lack of sleep has a similar effect to alcohol use. Tired drivers can have slow reaction time, lack awareness, and can fall asleep in their car and cause accidents.

Drinking and taking drugs before driving is a serious crime. In addition to criminal charges for drunk driving, impaired drivers can be held liable for damages from accidents they cause.

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Determining the cause of some accidents is easy. If you see a vehicle going faster than the rest of the traffic and the driver hits your car, it is easy to say that the accident was caused by the speeding and carelessness of another driver. Evidence at the scene, such as skid marks if the offending driver tried to brake hard before hitting you, should support this conclusion.

However, not all accidents are cut and dry. A thorough investigation of the accident may show that the negligence or fault of more than one party was the cause.

For example, in accidents involving commercial vehicles, a check of the company’s records may show that the driver was unqualified and/or the vehicle was defective. If so, the shipping company and other companies may be reliable.

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Attorneys Specializing In Auto Insurance Claims

At Boller & Vaughan, our car accident attorneys carefully gather all the relevant evidence and analyze all the facts to determine how the accident happened and who is at fault. Establishing these key elements of your claim is essential to obtaining full and fair compensation.

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Even minor fender-benders can cause whiplash and injury to joints and soft tissues. Serious car or truck accidents can leave victims with broken bones, burns, brain problems, and other serious injuries. In many cases, insurance claims do not cover all the financial consequences of these injuries. An attorney can explain your options for seeking compensation through a personal injury lawsuit.

Most car accidents result in brain injuries, especially traumatic brain injury (TBI). According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), these injuries can have serious consequences; In 2020, approximately 176 Americans will die each day from a TBI-related injury. Additionally, these types of injuries accounted for more than 223,000 hospitalizations in 2019.

The Mayo Institute states that TBI is usually caused by a violent blow or impact to the body or head. Concussion is a mild form of TBI that is often associated with the following symptoms:

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Symptoms of TBI, especially mild, do not always manifest themselves immediately. It is very important to seek medical attention after a car accident (even a minor one) to ensure that any brain injury is diagnosed and treated promptly.

Spinal cord injuries are also common in Madison car accidents. Like brain injuries, they can vary in severity and long-term results. A minor spinal cord injury may recover completely while a severe spinal cord injury may result in partial or complete paralysis.

Spinal cord injuries are often classified according to the area of ​​the spine they affect. The cervical spine is the area from the bottom of the skull to the bottom of the neck. The thoracic spine is the area between the upper shoulders and back. Below is the lumbar part, then the sacrum is the vertebral part from the lower back to the tailbone. The coccyx is the four vertebrae at the base of the tailbone.

Attorneys Specializing In Auto Insurance Claims

Research on motor vehicle injuries has shown that most injuries affect the lumbosacral spine (lower back area). More than 86 percent of car accident victims with spinal cord injuries are drivers, and the most common cause of spinal cord injuries is rollover accidents.

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As with head injuries, spinal cord injuries are not always obvious. It is important to seek medical attention after a car accident.

Whiplash is often misunderstood because the damage that causes the soft tissue in the neck does not show up on X-rays and other routine medical tests. This type of injury can also lead to TBI, even if the car accident is not directly involved.

Whiplash symptoms can appear right after an accident; In some cases, they take months to appear. For some patients, the pain associated with whiplash lasts for years.

Many of these injuries can cause severe pain and reduced mobility. Back injuries can also lead to more health problems later in life.

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As the name suggests, soft tissue injuries are related to the “soft” areas of the body, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments. For example, a sprained ankle is a soft tissue injury caused by overstretching of the ligaments of the joint. Muscle strains and sprains are also examples of soft tissue injuries, such as sprains (injuries). Whiplash is a common mild injury.

Most car accidents cause soft tissue injuries that cause pain, swelling and stiffness. These usually include seat belts and/or air bag forces in which vehicle drivers are exposed to accidents. X-rays don’t usually show soft tissue injuries, so doctors often use CT scans or MRI tests to diagnose these injuries.

Car accident victims often suffer shoulder injuries from seat belts and/or airbags. Additionally, some accidents cause drivers to hit the window, windshield, or dashboard, and the impact can cause injuries. Common shoulder injuries include fractures of the humerus, shoulder blade, and upper arm. Car accidents can cause shoulder dislocations and damage to the rotator cuff.

Attorneys Specializing In Auto Insurance Claims


Madison Car Accident Lawyers

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